Seal of International Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming

International Association for
Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Home / Workshops / Terms of use

Terms of use

Workshop Publication

Workshops may be published by registered Fellow Member Trainers of the IANLP (herein after referred to as 'FMT') only.

A registration is required.

The following rules apply:

  1. Only workshops may be published of which 60% or more of the total workshop time is being performed in person by the registering FMT.
  2. FMTs agree to only publish workshops which are in coherence with the Code of Ethics of the IANLP. In particular shall all statements and claims made being true and accurate to the best of their knowledge and belief.
  3. The FMT is fully responsible for all and any liabilities that may arise out of the publication of the workshop.
  4. The IANLP is free to delete a published workshop at any time without prior notice to the FMT.
  5. This is a free and voluntary service offered by the IANLP to all registered FMTs. There is no right for publication and the service does not stipulate any obligation whatsoever from the IANLP towards the FMT.

Members Profiles

Member section on lists all recognized and active Fellow Member Trainers of the IANLP (FMT). 

When applying for recognition as a Fellow Member Trainer IANLP every FMT has agreed to having his/her personal data being published on the website of the IANLP.

The information for publication is supplied by the FMT to the office of the IANLP for publication. IANLP will not verfiy this information. The FMT is fully and only responsible for trueness and accuracy of the content of the profile.  (Code of Ethics IANLP shall apply.)

Changes to the profile will be executed anytime free of charge within two weeks after requested.

Publication of member profil is linked to payment of annual license fee. The fee is invoiced regularly in November / December for the following year. If a FMT fails to pay he/she will be reminded two times. If the payment has still not been received the publication may be stopped.

This is a voluntary service offered by the IANLP. There is no right for publication and the service does not stipulate any obligation whatsoever from the IANLP towards the FMT.

Coaching Directory

Coaching Directory on is available for publication to all certified Coach IANLP.

The information for publication is supplied by the Coach IANLP to the office of the IANLP for publication. IANLP will not verfiy this information. The Coach IANLP is fully and only responsible for trueness and accuracy of the content of the profile.  (Code of Ethics IANLP shall apply.)

Changes to the profile will be executed anytime free of charge within two weeks after requested.

Publication in Coaching Directory is linked to payment of a annual registry fee. The fee is invoiced regularly in November / December for the following year. If a Coach IANLP fails to pay he/she will be reminded two times. If the payment has still not been received the entry shall be removed.

This is a voluntary service offered by the IANLP. There is no right for publication and the service does not stipulate any obligation whatsoever from the IANLP towards the Coach IANLP.

Graduate Directory

Graduate Directory on is available for all persons who have received a certificate with a sticker seal of the IANLP issued by a Fellow Member Trainer IANLP.

All entries will be verified by the IANLP. Participation is entirely voluntary and at the discretion of the respective graduate.

Publication in Graduate Directory is free. The publication can be renounced any time by the graduate.

This is a voluntary service offered by the IANLP. There is no right for publication and the service does not stipulate any obligation whatsoever from the IANLP towards the Graduate.


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