Seal of International Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming

International Association for
Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Home / Resources


This section features different contents in various languages from our members from all over the world.

News: Information about events and new findings in the world of nlp and related fields. We are happy to include news from your side of the world.

Scientific Research: Neuro-Linguistic Programming is currently being studied in universities all around the world. A small selection of links to some studies.

Bulletin: IANLP's bulletin to and from Fellow Member Trainers

FAQs: Please let us know any of your question not being answered on this website.

Marketplace: Various resources from nlp-cracks all around the globe

Links: National NLP-Associations, nlp-server and and other valuable websites

Members Forum: Welcome to the IANLP member forum - the place for the IANLP community to connect. Participation is limited to IANLP members in good standing and registration is required for both reading and posting.


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