‘Powered by NLP - Volume 2’ available
This free eBook was produced and edited by Joe Cheal on behalf of the NLP Leadership Summit that met in Alicante in January 2018.
Joe writes: "I was personally struck by two things. Firstly, the large amount of people with doctorates and master’s degrees – the education level in the room was extraordinary. Of course, education is perhaps blunt without action… and this brings me to my ‘secondly’: how a big group of people can come together and communicate with respect – even when it comes to the tougher conversations. And we were not just a talking shop! We were moving beyond ‘associating’ into a call for action.
In this book, you will find opinions and views of individual writers, which are not necessarily true of the Leadership Summit as a whole. You will also find different styles of writing and from an editorial perspective I have made the choice to maintain the authors’ original spelling and grammar wherever possible (including a mix of English and US English)."
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