NLP Models in Health
6 days under the Acropolis
25 - 30 May 2020, at the birth-land of Hippocrates and Asclepius
For nlpgreece 2020 is a year dedicated to NLP applications in health. The scope is to bring together the NLP world and medical disciplines in the homeland of Hippocrates and Asclepius - the fathers of medicine - Greece.
The 6-days panorama on NLP models in health is organized in the city center of Athens under the Acropolis.
Dates: May 25 – 30, 2020
Venue: Hotel Divani Acropolis – Athens, Greece
International NLP experts will present the models, they have developed which are applicable in health.
The mission of this panorama is to present to an international audience different successful NLP models in health and expand the connection with the Medical world.
The attendees will have the opportunity to:
- Meet and talk with the developers themselves,
- Discuss potential and challenges of the models,
- Meet professionals from different fields, connect with an exclusive network of peers and gather rich resources,
- Benefit from a community of people who value and promote collective intelligence, sharing and contribution.
The key speakers are:
Dr. Peter Schuetz
Dr. Catalin Zaharia
Deborah Epelman
Maaike Heutink
Dr Phil Parker
Sara Pongiluppi
Wassili Zafiris
Angélique de Graaff &
Frank Pucelik
The models that will be presented are around:
- Depression Coaching with NLP
- Addictions, Compulsions & Identity level
- PTSD-model
- Digital Awareness Detox
- Proactive preparation for a medical procedure
- Lightning Process
- Modeling Professional NLP research
In between their presentations, medical professionals, will build bridges based on latest scientific findings and views.
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