Cyber Café - November 2, 2022 - Notes
Every Cyber Cafe will start with an intro. During the first 10 to 30 minutes one of our colleagues will share information, experience and/or insights on changing topics of interest.
Followed by a free exchange in smaller groups (breakout sessions) or in the plenum.
Intro Topic, Cyber Café, November 2, 2022 by Stephanie Philp (NZL) was focussing 'How to Overcome Overwhelm - Many people find themselves overwhelmed, especially with the extra pressures of life in the last 3 years. Stephanie will present a process that she teaches NLP Practitioners and uses in her own coaching practice to help people recover from the ‘stuckness' of overwhelm, using a variety of simple NLP techniques.'
For those of you who could not participate, we have uploaded some notes here.
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