Coronavirus Pandemia (update)
Some Suggested Extraordinary Measures in the Face of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemia
As this is an absolutely exceptional situation and instructions given by official authorities must be strictly adhered to, the IANLP has designed some sample guidelines and extraordinary regulations to deal with the consequencies of the Coronavirus situation.
Online Training (exceptional temporary regulations)
The IANLP has received several inquiries by Fellow Member Trainers whether the requirements for live, face-to-face training could temporarily be suspended, as maintaining social distance and avoiding groups is now indicated and mandatory in many countries.
Updated Framework regarding synchronous (!) online training times.
Frequently Asked Questions: Please let us know of any questions that are not answered in FAQs
Calculator for Coronavirus infection probability indoors. (courtesy by 'Die Zeit' a German newspaper)
Simplified Entry to subsequent Training Level
During times of active coronavirus pandemic situation in your country, when many people classify social gatherings (which obviously include live on-site trainings) as dangerous and 12 months thereafter this framework of simplified entry to subsequent training level may be applied.
Protection Concept Coaching and Consulting
Guidelines for conducting Coaching and Consulting in a 1:1 setting with physical contact to the client (kinesthetic anchoring).
Note: This Protection Concept Coaching has to be adapted to your local culture, to the health and legal regulations of your country and to your personal situation. New findings are published continuously by health authorities and scientific community.
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