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International Association for
Neuro-Linguistic Programming

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Member Directory Honorary Members

Portrait Brian Van der Horst

Brian Van der Horst


Executive coach, trainer and consultant. Co-founded the NLP Institute for Advanced Studies in San Francisco and the NLP Institute in Paris. Designed and produced programs with John Grinder, Carmen Bostic, Robert Dilts and Timothy Gallwey; and was Chief Facilitator for Europe with Ken Wilber's Integral Institute. Specializing in NLP applications for business and intercultural communication, he has taught in numerous European MBA programs and for international organizations. Editor or staff writer for New Realities, Practical Psychology, Playboy, and The Village Voice; his books include Folk Music in America, Rock Music, and The Outcome Strategy.

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  Member since: 1980
Portrait Terrence McClendon

Terrence McClendon

NLP Australia

Sydney NSW

Terrence is one of the founding contributors to NLP dating back to 1972 when the original group met in Santa Cruz. Since then he's been teaching NLP Practitioner, NLP Master, NLP Trainer and business and personal development applications of NLP throughout the world. He brought NLP to Australia in 1979, established the first NLP Membership organization in Australia called "The Australian Institute of NLP” and in 1981 taught Australia’s first NLP Practitioner training. Author of many books and listed on Global Top Gurus Top 30 for 2014 and 2016.

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  Member since: 1983
  Trainings in: Australia , Worldwide (in English)
Portrait Gianni Fortunato

Gianni Fortunato


Trainer in PNL di prima generazione alla scuola dei fondatori, è considerato uno dei padri della PNL Europea e il fondatore della PNL Italiana. Laurea in Fisica, specialista in Psicopedagogia, Analista Transazionale Clinico, esperto di Ipnosi Ericksoniana, psicologo e psicoterapeuta. Ha insegnato in diversi Paesi Europei. È Fondatore e Direttore Didattico di PNL Meta.

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  Member since: 1983
  Trainings in: Italy
Portrait Rachel Hott

Rachel Hott

The NLP Center of New York
New York

Dr. Rachel B. Hott has been in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming since the early beginnings and contributed significantly to the development of the methodology. She is co-director and co-founder of The NLP Center of New York.

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  Member since: 1983
  Trainings in: USA
Portrait Steven Leeds

Steven Leeds

The NLP Center of New York
New York

Steven Leeds has been in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming since the early beginnings and contributed significantly to the development of the methodology. He is co-director and co-founder of The NLP Center of New York.

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  Member since: 1983
  Trainings in: USA , Switzerland
Portrait Dr. Gundl Kutschera

Dr. Gundl Kutschera

Institut Kutschera

Gundl studied Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) in the very early days with the founders Richard Bandler and John Grinder. At that time she also studied gestalt therapy and systemic theory with Virginia Satir, hypno therapy with Milton Erickson and transactional analysis. In 1982 she was working as a NLP teaching trainer in John Grinders team in Chicago and Califorina. She was amongst the very first to introduce NLP to the European market and she's been a strong NLP networker ever since.

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  Member since: 1983
  Trainings in: Germany , Austria
Portrait Megha Baumeler

Megha Baumeler

NLP Academy Switzerland
Winterthur / Pfungen

Megha Baumeler has written the first German-language manuals for the Practitioner, Master and Trainer trainings. She founded the NLP Academy Switzerland and the Swiss national association for NLP. Her visualizations of NLP processes are unmatched and legend. She has driven the embedding of NLP in state authorized training programs and thereby contributed significantly to the public recognition of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Sociodynamic Didactics the didactics of NLP.

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   Sociodynamics Didactics
  Member since: 1993
  Trainings in: Switzerland , Worldwide (in English)
Portrait Shelle Rose Charvet

Shelle Rose Charvet

Success Strategies
Trainings in English, French, Spanish and interpretation into other languages in the Americas, Europe and Asia.
Hamilton, ON, Canada

Shelle has been applying advanced NLP approaches and the Language and Behavior (LAB) Profile helping people and organizations improve how they communicate since 1982. She has an Honors degree in Social Sciences from the University of Ottawa and was inducted into the Canadian Speaking Hall of Fame. Her work has contributed most significantly to the development of the methodology and the good worldwide reputation of NLP.

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  Member since: 2006
  Trainings in: Canada , USA , Mexico , Worldwide (in English)

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