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NLP Research and Recognition Project

A group of great NLP trainers started a project to get NLP the world-wide recognition it deserves. Everybody is welcome to support and join in. Visit the website of the project and enter your email-address to get updated on the activities.

Videos on NLP

Personality in Mental Space

Personality is partly an unconscious spatial construction in which the general representation of time, the self and humanity are the key parts. This video shows how a trained psychologist can explore personality in mental space. A demonstration of highly technical psychotherapy shows a method to change personality traits by removing the limiting beliefs that block the change. Embodied Cognition, Social Cognition, NLP, Mental Space Psychology, Embodied Simulation. ¦ Produced by Lucas Derks (NL).

World of NLP

25 interviews about NLP, with worldwide trainers. A real gem for all those who are interested in the many aspects of NLP historically, as well as how it is being lived and trained across the globe today. ¦ Produced by Lucas Derks (NL).











First Generation of NLP Trainers

Historic interviews with 24 global trainers on NLP: culture, future, visions  ¦ Produced by Lucas Derks (NL).

Lucas Derks from Social Panorama Netherlands has produced and collected an impressive collection of NLP-related videos.

50 Years of NLP - Meet Judith DeLozier

A conversation recorded at the NLPro-Groep, Netherlands, in 2023. Hear how Judith organizes her life and how NLP was and is an important factor in this. Judith DeLozier was a member of Grinder and Bandler's original group and made fundamental contributions to the development of numerous NLP models and processes. She has been a co-developer and designer of training programs in Neuro-Linguistic Programming since 1975.  ¦ Produced by NLPro-Groep (NL).

Papers, Articles, Publications

Members are welcome to share their ideas. All languages are welcome. Please submit a short summary in english to head your text.

Bibliography of NLP Books.

In January 2021 Michael Hall started this project. If you like your book getting listed please send infos in APA style to Michael Hall.

Behavioral Modelling

By Terrence McClendon, NLP LifeSets, California USA
Research article that I wrote on behavioural modelling that original appeared in "The Journal of Experiential Psychotherapy". Since submitting this article I have been invited to submit articles and be a member of The Editorial Board of The "American Psychological Association", "The Americal Journal of Applied Psychology" and "The Technetium Social Services Journal”. What I take away from this is the article ticks all of the boxes of how to write an article for submission to peer review.

Coaching: What is Coaching? - In search of a definition

By Ueli R. Frischknecht, Switzerland
Coaching - the trendy term, is used for all kinds of consulting formats. Thus, anyone working as a coach would do well to be able to offer a professional definition of the activity.

Coaching or Psychotherapy?

Based on a work by the SICPNL societe international des coachs pnl this tool helps coaches to distinguish his/her action in regards to (psycho-)therapy.  It is also part of the professional tools of a coach to recognize the indications at which a psychotherapeutic approach should be recommended. This guide highlights the boundary between NLP coaching and psychotherapy.  It may also be useful for people wondering which support approach to pursue: “Should I consult a coach or a psychotherapist?”

Congruencia: una cualidad indispensable

by Milly Epstein, Raanan (Israel)
By being aware of the relation between feelings and our thougths, we could introduce more congruency and harmony in our communication. This paper proposes how to draw upon this key NLP concept in order to upgrade educational environment as well as every day life.

Evaluating Students

By Melody Cheal & Reb Veale, United Kingdom
In NLP there is a vast range of evaluation methods and little to no consistency. The awarding of certifications is equally diverse. Some NLP providers undertake little or no evaluation while others have rigorous evaluation processes. The purpose of this paper is to provide a “map” detailing many of the evaluation methods currently used globally by NLP Institutes with some discussion of the benefits and drawbacks of each.

Evaluating Students

By Terrence McClendon, NLP LifeSets, California USA
Guide for student NLP Trainers. New NLP trainers can be overwhelmed with content. It can be easy to forget or overlook the key reason they are training. And that is too create competent NLP Practitioners. The assessment guide provides a format and step by step guidance of how trainers can  assess their students. I find it is  useful for supervision of trainers because it encourages them to give  accurate and accountable feedback and builds in good habits. It is good for the trainer  supervisor as well for the trainer in assessing their students. 

Fomentar el asombro: una meta para la educación

by Milly Epstein, Raanana (Israel)
The article's topic is how to promote a wondering attitude as a way to improve learning in class. This article illustrates one of the basic statments of NLP, "the map is not the territory" by developing different forms to induce de-automatization in the manners we look at current phenomena in class. By connecting NLP insights with theories of creativity, I propose a way to reframe childs' questions as a part of an active, fresh learning environment.

Gregory Bateson - Why Gregory Bateson Matters

by Ted Gioia, The Honest Broker (Dec 2024)
"But Gregory Bateson knew that just seeking episodic relief from self-centered behavior wasn’t enough. If we exclude our surrounding habitat from our projects of self-care—in the plugged-in, screen-obsessed manner of contemporary culture—the larger systems we have ignored will eventually degrade and fail to support us. By all indications, that danger is far greater today than it was during Bateson’s lifetime."
Ueli R. Frischknecht: "When I teach about Gregory Bateson in our NLP classes, I often hear myself say: 'Gregory Bateson is probably the most important and at the same time most unknown scientist of the last century'. This article is a highly recommended reading."

Das Herz im NLP

Book by Romina Schell, Bergisch Gladbach (Germany)
Auf der Basis von Grundsätzen und Prinzipien von Virginia Satir erläutert Romina Schell wichtige Methoden für ein ganzheitliches Coaching und die eigene Selbstreflexion. „Romina bietet zahlreiche Selbstreflexions-Fragen und -Übungen in ihrem Buch an. Sie stellt darüber hinaus Prozesse bereit, die die Leser verwenden können, um eine Coachingsitzung vorzubereiten und um eine tiefere Beziehung und Rapport mit ihren Teilnehmern und Klienten zu fördern.“ - Robert Dilts

Open Space Conference

At NLP Leadership Summit Meeting January 2020 in Alicante, Ueli R. Frischknecht and Manuel Pereira from NLP Academy Switzerland conducted a one day Open Space Workshop. This short manual gives the essentials to the method.

Powered by NLP

  • 2016: The free ebook 'Powered by NLP 1' was produced and edited by Joe Cheal on behalf of the NLP Leadership Summit that met in Alicante in January 2016. "Our intention in producing this book was to share the discussions and ideas prompted by our meeting." - “The 38 NLP leaders who gathered in Alicante Spain in January this year made a decision to record the experience and send it out world-wide." -
  • 2018: Powered by NLP 2 is a follow up with articles following the meeting in January 2018.
  • 2020: Powered by NLP 3 contains material and dicussions from the meeting January 2020.

Selbstreflexives Lernen praktizierender Supervisor:innen

by Ueli R. Frischknecht
SupervisorInnen unterstützen Menschen darin, durch Reflexion des beruflichen Handelns ihre professionellen Kompetenzen zu verbessern. Damit die Supervision von hoher Qualität ist und bleibt, müssen SupervisorInnen ihr eigenes berufliches Handeln regelmässig reflektieren. SupervisorInnen sind also bei der Ausübung ihrer Tätigkeit gehalten, sich einerseits voll auf das Anliegen des Kunden und dessen professionelle Bearbeitung einzulassen und dabei gleichzeitig ihre Haltungen und Handlungen laufend daraufhin zu beobachten, was sie selbst in ihre berufliche Reflexion einbringen möchten bzw. sollten. Dieses Buch beschreibt, wie sich praktizierende SupervisorInnen psychisch und physisch in diesem Spannungsfeld organisieren, um ihr eigenes Lernen voranzutreiben.
English: Supervisors support people in improving their professional skills by reflecting on their professional actions. This book describes how practicing supervisors organize themselves psychologically and physically in order to advance their own learning.

Sensory Representational Systems

by Brian van der Horst
At the institutes I co-founded and eventually directed in San Francisco and Paris in the ‘80s through 2006, I always taught sensory representational systems as useful lies. I never thought people were so simple as to have only five. This article lists 20 senses. Some list 53, or more. It could be argued that many of them are more submodalities than senses. My thoughts about strategies and rep systems can be found here (appeared in Anchor Point Journal, June 1994):

Taxonomies of Learning and Competence

By Ueli R. Frischknecht, Switzerland
NLP is an attitude and a methodology that leaves behind a trail of techniques. With a tremendous impact on 1:1 communications. But on 1:n communications (teams, groups, seminars) too! NLP Academy Switzerland has developed a taxonomy of learning and competence that focuses on Process Awareness, which is the core focus of NLP. Taxonomies of learning and competence are most valuable in assessing students progress and level of competence but in contracting coaching and trainings too.

The Origins of NLP

A great book on the first years of the development and the developers of nlp.  Review by L. Michael Hall

Tres preguntas que cambiarán el futuro

by Milly Epstein, Raanan (Israel)
This article exposes the use of three basic questions aiming to stimulate exploration and curiosity in class, by expanding one of the fundamental statement of NLP "the map is not the territory". The filters through which we perceive the world "distort" our perception of the world, so that the things and what we "understand" of them is mixed up.
The following three questions help us to pay attention to the difference between our perception, our feelings and our thoughts:
•  What do I see? What do I read? What do I hear? What do I touch?
•  What do I feel against what I see / read / hear / touch?
•  What surprises me? What awakes my curiosity?
These questions help to transform each topic in any educational environment to an invitation for adventure.

Zoom Meeting Manual

Richard Bolstad (New Zealand) has set up this comprehensive manual for students. (2021)

Official recognitions

Being a meta-model of communication NLP receives more and more offical recognition. As a resource to nlp-providers world-wide we like to publish recognitions received by nlp country associations and/or nlp-schools.

Romania: License by state authorities to the romanian nlp association
Serbia: Approved by The Ministry of Education a NLP program for teachers, and headmasters
Switzerland: License by Swiss Federation for Adult Learning to NLP Academy Switzerland
Mexico: Master Degree in Neuro-Linguistic Programing official approved by educational system to Centro Mexicano de Programación Neurolingüística. Graduated students can apply to a Ph.D. program in Education, Psychology or Bussines.
Nicaragua (Germany): Doctor NLP at Universidad Central de Nicaragua (UCN). Study psychology with NLP (NLPsy) and Coaching in a flexible, practice-oriented, blended learning distance study at a highly-rated, accredited university.
Switzerland: 'Swiss Diploma Supervisor/Coach HFP'.  The NLP Academy Switzerland meets the ambitious requirements of this education by NLP Practitioner, NLP Master, NLP Trainer plus 10 days of specialization in Supervision (linking with other than NLP supervision models) and demanding extracurricular requirements. A total of some 500 curricular training hours plus 40 hours of experience in providing supervision to clients, plus some 80 hours of extracurricular supervision received plus written diploma work and verbal assessment and colloquium. This education is provided and monitored by Swiss State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation.

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