Seal of International Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming

International Association for
Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Home / Graduates

Graduate Directory

With the proliferation and the popularity of NLP training programs, it has become difficult for the public to discern and verify claims of achievements. In collaboration with our esteemed Fellow Member Trainers we are offering graduates of IANLP certified trainings the option to register their accomplishments in our public directory. All entries have been verified by the IANLP. Participation is entirely voluntary and at the discretion of the respective graduate.

Hence, the directory therefore does not reflect the actual numbers of graduates of IANLP approved trainings. Also, more importantly, being listed in the directory is no guarantee for the current level of mastery. Some graduates will have expanded their expertise since graduating and will have achieved higher level of mastery, while the skills and knowledge of others may have withered due to inactivity and lack of engagement.Therefore, the IANLP cannot guarantee the current level of skills, nor can we be responsible in any way for the conduct of any individual graduate.

Logo Graduates IANLPGraduates who have registered are kindly invited to use the Graduate Logo of the IANLP in their marketing material. Note: The Graduate Logo may be posted only next to personal details (name, photo, cv) of the graduate.

Code explanation
Name: Last name, first name graduate   |  Country:  Country of residence of graduate  |  Level: PR = Practitioner, MA = Master, TR = NLP Trainer, OT = Other certification  |  Date: Date of certificate   |  FMT: Name of certifying Fellow Member Trainer

Registration form

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