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Curricula: Testing Design

Q: How shall the testing be conducted/designed?

A: The design of the oral and written testing is at the discretion of the FMT. Testing shall provide an opportunity for the students to rehearse and assess the competencies that they had acquired in the course of the training.

Testing designs may vary substantially and one may expect that FMT will have their unique preferences. Local language, customs, and culture may all affect how testing is conducted. In some countries, for example, testing (examination) may be conducted in a strict traditional classroom setting, whereas in other countries, a more relaxed, open, and informal style might be preferred.

To state an example: At the NLP-Academy Switzerland testing is viewed as an opportunity for students to celebrate their newly acquired competencies and further strengthen their skills, as oppose to an examination that results in unnecessary stress that typically is elicited by traditional, silent classroom type examinations. We support all students during the training so that they eventually reach the training outcomes. If, however, we realize that a student will be unable to reach the minimal level of competency required within a course of training, we will discuss the matter with the respective student and will not subject the student to oral testing. Hence, all students who are invited to participate in the oral testing already know that their FMT's were able to observe the specified competencies prior to the actual testing. The oral testing will thus offer them the opportunity to demonstrate their skills once more. At the oral testing students are invited to use all resources that they might use in the course of a typical professional coaching setting. They may, for example, use their own scripts as long as they maintain good rapport with the client.

Written Testing: At the NLP-Academy Switzerland, we conduct the written test in the so-called 'open book' format. Thus, students will get a final take home examination and they are encouraged to use all possible resources for completing the required assignments, such as books, internet articles, or other resources. The sources of all quotes must be documented and all answers must contain a unique, personal contribution. Students are expected to turn in the completed take home examination within three months after having passed the oral testing.

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