Frequently Asked Questions
Show all FAQsTitles: How to Distinguish Between NLP Trainer and Fellow Member Trainer?
Q: What ist the difference between NLP Trainer IANLP and Fellow Member Trainer IANLP?
A: Experience tells us that students at times do not adequately appreciate the difference between the designations ´NLP Trainer IANLP´ and `Fellow Member Trainer IANLP´. This necessitates that our members take time to clearly communicate the respective skills and specialization associated with the respective designations:
´NLP Trainer IANLP´ encompasses the training of NLP Master IANLP graduates in order to successfully use nlp tools in group settings, such as when providing training, teaching courses, meetings, or in the course of their activities in educational settings. Hence, this training does not prepare individuals for teaching NLP tools. It rather prepares individuals to employ NLP tools to foster group processes and to promote learning.
´Fellow Member Trainer IANLP´, by contrast, is the top level designation for individuals who provide NLP trainings on all levels, such as NLP Practitioner, NLP Master, and NLP Trainer, and who, by virtue of their training and skill level, are in the position to certify their training with the seal of the IANLP.
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