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Certificate of Proficiency in NLP IANLP

Download: Curriculum 'Certificate of Proficiency in NLP IANLP'
IANLP Assessment Guidelines Level Competencies


'Certificate in Advanced NLP IANLP' is a prerequisite to participate in the training 'Certificate of Proficiency in NLP IANLP'. If a prospective student does not fulfill this requirement please refer to Procedure for Granting Equivalency (Certification Guidelines for third-party Trainings). The practical assessment for 'Certificate in Advanced NLP IANLP' must be completed in any case.

Duration of training

Learning time: Total learning time of 180 hours must be reached. Of which 130 hours must be in synchronous learning with trainer present. The time for the practical assessment is an integrated part of this learning time.

Integration: First day (beginning) of training and last day of training (end) must be at least 90 days apart. The 130 hours of synchronous learning time must be spread over at least 20 sessions and there must be at least a 4 hour break between each of these sessions.

Recommended Supervision: 15 hours individual and/or group supervision complementary to the listed synchronous training time and/or after the assessment.

The entire training (180 hours) must focus on the minimum contents and/or competencies defined in the Assessment Guidelines (Level Competencies). If a Fellow Member Trainer teaches additional content within the framework of this curriculum, the total training time must be extended accordingly. Spending time teaching and/or certifying additional skills within the context of this training at the expense of the core curriculum is considered a violation of the training standards.

Qualification of Trainers

Fellow Member Trainers according to IANLP Standards. Eighty percent (80%) of the synchronous training has to be led by a Fellow Member Trainer IANLP; 20% of the synchronous training can be led by any other qualified person under the supervision of a Fellow Member Trainer. Are more than 15 participants in attendance, for each 15 additional participants training has to include an assistant who has been certified at level Certificate of Proficiency in NLP IANLP or NLP Master IANLP or higher.

Required competencies for Certificate of Proficiency in NLP and criteria for evaluation and certification

All competencies on level 2 'Proficiency NLP' as listed in 'IANLP Assessment Guidelines'. Namely

  • Knowledge and behavioral integration of the main presuppositions of NLP
  • All competencies on level 1 'Advanced NLP' as listed in 'IANLP Assessment Guidelines'.
  • Design individual interventions (generative and remedial)
  • Ongoing development of personal sensory accuracy
  • Ecological change work with self and others
  • Ability to shift focus from between content and form, and between experience and label
  • Advanced rapport abilities (build and maintain rapport to each individual in the training group)
  • Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills (minimum content), techniques, patterns and concepts of NLP and to utilize these competently with self and with others.
  • Minimum contents
  • At least 5 documented coaching-sessions with the same client are requried.
  • Furthermore, at least 5 hours individual or group-supervision within the training and/or after the testing are required.
  • Techniques of change interventions for personal growth in business and personal context
  • NLP Metaprograms
  • Meta Stating Questions (Neuro Semantics)
  • Values and Criteria: Identification and utilization; Criteria ladder; Elicitation of complex equivalence; Adjustment of criteria
  • Sleight of mouth patterns
  • Refined use of submodalities
  • Utilization and transformation of beliefs and presuppositions
  • Advanced Milton-Model and Meta-Model of Language work
  • Deliberate multilevel communication
  • Models for negotiation and conflict management
  • Modeling, modeling project work
  • Systemic work (groups, family, team)
  • Advanced timeline work
  • Integrative NLP-models i.e. SCORE, SOAR, ROLE
  • Ethical and legal issues in the practice of NLP, such as inherent values, legal framework, limits of confidentiality, issues regarding dual relationships and exploitation, limits of professional competence, ethical advertising/marketing, and other topics are introduced by trainers.

The various advanced NLP-techniques, i.e. Re-imprinting, Visual Squash, Core Transformation Process and more, are working examples of the content listed above and are therefore not explicitly described.

The above contents shall be conveyed by theoretical lectures, practical demonstrations and group exercises. Graduates of 'Certificate of Proficiency in NLP IANLP' are expected to demonstrate openeness to experience the various processes by adopting the three roles that are typically encountered in the everyday work: that of an observer providing feedback, that of a growth experience seeking client, and that of a coach leading an individual.

Written test for 'Certificate of Proficiency in NLP'

The required written test shall be a summary of the minimum contents of this curriculum. It shall be a tool for evaluating sufficient know-how acquisition at the completion of the training. In particular, the cognitive integration of the following contents are to be included:

  • Values and Beliefs (Logical levels)
  • Systemic work (groups, teams)
  • Sleight of mouth patterns
  • Modeling
  • Metaprograms
  • Timeline

The written testing is to be designed by the Fellow Member Trainer and is expected to match his/her training emphasis. Written tests are to be stored for at least three years following testing. For reasons of quality assurance the IANLP or individuals appointed by the IANLP have the right to request submission of this documentation.

Practical assessment for Certificate of Proficiency in NLP

Layout: There must be a practical evaluation and assessment period at the end of the training. Fellow Member Trainers are free to design their own evaluation and assessment layout.

The practical assessment shall enable participants to demonstrate their personal integration of NLP-presuppositons and chosen NLP-techniques, namely: sensory awarness, rapport, ecological change work with self and others.

At least 50% of the required competencies must be assessed in a synchronous setting.

Competencies: 'IANLP Assessment Guidelines' list all competencies and evaluation criteria that must be fulfilled. Each and any competence must be presented on acceptable level at least.

This final evaluation and assessment must be structured in such a way that the FMT can clearly identify the required competencies and assess their fulfillment.

Documentation: The assessment must be appropriately documented by the FMT. The fulfillment of the individual competencies must be documented in such a way that the fulfillment can be reconstructed by an external expert. This documentation (papers, videos) must be kept for inspection by the IANLP for 5 years after the certificate is issued.

Contents of 'Certificate of Proficiency in NLP IANLP'

Certificates for 'Certificate of Proficiency in NLP IANLP' have to include the following:

  • A statement that this training was held according to IANLP standards;
  • Either an orginal sticker seal of the IANLP and/or a digital seal of the IANLP. At least one seal must be shown on certificate;
  • A statement describing the duration of the training in hours (total learning time attended in full (100%) by this student) with statement of synchronous learning hours and asynchronous learning hours seperately;
  • Date of the first and last day of training;
  • Date of issuance of certificate;
  • Name and signature of fellow member trainer IANLP;
  • Title: [… your title…] [1]
  • The following statement must be printed onto the certificate: "This certificate of competency is equivalent to 'Certificate of Proficiency in NLP IANLP' and fully recognised on that level by the IANLP International Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming ([url=][/url])" ;
  • Unique IANLP Certification Number obtained from the headquarters of the IANLP.

Accreditation and validation within the framework of the IANLP curricula

A certificate 'Certificate of Proficiency in NLP IANLP' can be counted as introductory NLP training equivalent to 10 days and 70 hours of in-school (curricular) training time of a 'NLP Master IANLP'. A further 8 days of in-school training according to the NLP Master curriculum must be attended. The practical assessment (testing) on level NLP Master IANLP must be attended in any case.

A certificate 'NLP Master IANLP' can be counted as equivalent to 130 hours of synchronous learning time of a certificate 'Certificate of Proficiency in NLP IANLP'. A certificate 'NLP Master IANLP' is recognized for direct admission to the practical assessment for 'Certificate of Proficiency in NLP IANLP'. The practical assessment must be completed in any case.

This curriculum is valid as per January 1, 2022
(revised 00)


[1] You can give your own title to this training. It must not be 'NLP Practitioner', 'NLP Master', 'NLP Trainer' or 'Coach IANLP' or any other title using the words 'Practitioner', 'Master' and 'Trainer'. These designations are reserved exclusively for certificates of the respective curricula.

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