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Curriculum NLP Trainer IANLP

A NLP Trainer IANLP has been trained in NLP for at least 54 days and 410 hours. The curriculum NLP Trainer IANLP outlines the requirements for this level.

Download: Curriculum NLP Trainer IANLP (25 Kb)
Example for NLP Trainer Certificate (7 Kb)
On-Site vs. Online Training: If you are not sure which form of training is best for you, you might give this questionnaire a try.

Extract from the Curriculum

Organisation and Registration of Training

Organisation: The training design must be the responsibility of 2 Fellow Member Trainers of the IANLP. None of these two responsible FMTs must also be active as a trainer in the training itself. However one of these two FMTs must meet the conditions as a Head Trainer according to chapter 'Qualification of Trainers' of this curriculum.

Registration: Before the start of the training, the training contents with a rough time schedule as well as the names of the two Fellow Member Trainers that are in charge of the training have to be sent to IANLP office. IANLP will confirm receipt of this information.

Prerequisite for Students

'NLP Master IANLP' or 'Certificate of Proficiency in NLP IANLP' is a prerequisite to participate in the NLP Trainer IANLP training. If a prospective student does not fulfill this requirement please refer to Procedure for Granting Equivalency (Certification Guidelines for third-party Trainings).

At least two years must have elapsed between the first day of practitioner training and the first day of trainer training, or, alternatively, at least 2.5 years (30 months) must have passed between the beginning of the practitioner training and the end of the trainer training (date of certification).

Duration of training

A minimum of 130 hours of curricular live training, including testing is required. This curricular training must consist of a minimum of 18 days with a total of 130 hours of live training (100% attendance is required). Breaks exceeding 30 minutes that are taken in the course of the daily training can not be counted towards the fulfilment of the 130 training hours requirement.

In addition, at least 15 hours of supervision (individual and/or group) are required. Supervision shall primarily focus on a seminar that was conducted by the trainee but may also include other foci that are useful in enhancing the professional skills of the trainee.

The entire curricular training (130 hours) must focus on the minimum contents defined in this curriculum. If a Fellow Member Trainer teaches additional content within the framework of this curriculum, the total training time must be extended accordingly. Spending time teaching and/or certifying additional skills within the context of this training at the expense of the core curriculum is considered a violation of the training standards.

Training Modality / Training Design / Number of Participants

All training time provided in the curricula must be either on-site training or synchronous online training, or a mix of both (blended learning). The live training has to be designed by two Fellow Member Trainers. A training group consists of seven (7) students or more.


For further detailed information such as 'Special Requirements for Online Training', 'Qualifications of Trainers', 'Competencies of NLP Trainers', 'Minimum Contents', 'Design of Testing' and more please refer to the


Curriculum NLP Trainer IANLP

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