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Curriculum NLP Master IANLP

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                   IANLP Assessment Guidelines
Example NLP Master IANLP Certificate
On-Site vs. Online Training: If you are not sure which form of training is best for you, you might give this questionnaire a try.

Transitional Provision

 Trainings with starting date after September 30, 2023 must comply with the regulations of this curriculum. Until this date, the trainings can still be carried out according to the previously valid curricula.


'NLP Practitioner IANLP' or 'Certificate in Advanced NLP IANLP' is a prerequisite to participate in the NLP Master IANLP training. If a prospective student does not fulfill this requirement please refer to Procedure for Granting Equivalency (Certification Guidelines for third-party Trainings).

Duration of training

A minimum of 130 hours of curricular live training, including testing is required. This curricular training must consist of a minimum of 18 days with a total of 130 hours of live training (100% attendance is required). Breaks exceeding 30 minutes that are taken in the course of the daily training can not be counted towards the fulfilment of the 130 training hours requirement.

In addition, individual training and/or other learning activities to be arranged by the trainer and student consisting of at least 10 full hours, and at least 5 coaching-sessions with the same client are requried. Furthermore, at least 5 hours individual or group-supervision within the training and/or after the testing are required.

The entire curricular training (130 hours) must focus on the minimum contents defined in this curriculum. If a Fellow Member Trainer teaches additional content within the framework of this curriculum, the total training time must be extended accordingly. Spending time teaching and/or certifying additional skills within the context of this training at the expense of the core curriculum is considered a violation of the training standards.

Training modality

All training time provided in the curricula must be either on-site training or synchronous online training, or a mix of both (blended learning).

Special Requirements for Online Training

The following guidelines apply to the implementation of online training.

  • On a single training day, 7 training hours may not be exceeded.
  • Assistants: The Student:Assistant ratio must be sufficient to ensure that adequate supervision of students can be maintained at all times. At a minimum, the guidelines defined in the 'Qualification of Trainers' chapter must always be followed.  
  • The FMT must observe every student practicing in a live, interactive situation as part of their certification assessment. [It is insufficient to simply assess student recordings, written work or case studies without any live observation of student practice.]
  • Minimum Training Contents: The content listed in this curriculum can be adapted in favor of other content that is more suitable for online delivery.
  • The training should include all the usual elements it would include if it were being delivered in situ e.g. demos, Q&A sessions, practice.
  • There are opportunities for students to practice and be observed practicing in small groups eg by using breakout rooms.

The trainer must provide sufficient support for students, to compensate for the fact they are not in the same room as the trainer. ‘Sufficient support’ can include:

  • Recording the training sessions so students can revisit the session later
  • Leaving the chat room open during breaks so students can interact with each other and the trainers/assistants
  • Hosting additional ‘informal’ sessions eg. coffee break chats or evening gatherings
  • Providing opportunities for students to raise follow up questions with the trainer

Ecology Checks; Ecology Safeguarding

  • Personal resilience of students: FMT uses a system to check the suitability of participants for online training in advance or during the first online sessions. Emotionally unbalanced individuals cannot be admitted to online training.
  • Ensure sufficient pre-framing is done prior to the course commencing.
  • Recommended: Provide pre course materials (which can include videos and pre-recorded materials) so the students have some knowledge embedded before they meet in the virtual training environment for the first time.

Ecology of Contents

  • Ensure that all demos and practical exercises concern emancipatory topics (growth topics). Topics that the person can handle well by himself/herself, but where s/he would like to find more options. To ensure the safety of students in an environment that is not as easy to control as a live, in situ training would be. - No traumatic history may be worked upon during a virtual training, either for demo or practice purposes.
  • There must be due consideration for certain elements of the course, that require the training to be adapted for a virtual environment e.g. specific Time Line work, kinesthetic anchors, re-imprinting – if there are any concerns, consider offering these elements as follow up courses.

Infrastructure Participants
For online training the following minimum requirements have to be met:

  • Quality of internet connection to the trainer and the other participants must be such that a direct interactive exchange is possible at all times for 99% of the online time.
  • Participants must attend with screens large enough to easily interprete/read all content presented. Participation with tablets or mobile phones cannot be counted towards the required in-school training time.
  • The participant's space (background) must be large enough to also allow standing up and walking in full view (full body) of the camera. And a microphone must be placed so that the participant can be heard from anywhere in the room.
  • Students must be dressed properly as for a live seminar and be in a protected and designated learning environment (with no outside interference).
  • All online training time is spent in full attendance in front of the running camera/screen.
  • During online training, all screens and cameras are on all the time.
  • An exchange of communication between all participants must be possible at all times.

Infrastructure Trainer
For online training the following minimum requirements have to be met:

  • Quality of internet connection to the participants must be such that a direct interactive exchange is possible at all times for 99% of the online time.
  • IT equipment is of comparably state-of-the-art standard;
  • The infrastructure allows presenting from different positions (sitting, standing, walking).

Online Competence of Trainers

  • FMTs who deliver online training, continuously educate themselves on best practices for virtual training. (This is part of the Quality Assurance System of the IANLP, element 6 'CPD - Continuous Professional Development'.)

Qualification of Trainers

Fellow Member Trainers according to IANLP Standards. Eighty percent (80%) of the live training has to be led by a Fellow Member Trainer IANLP; 20% of the live training can be led by any other qualified person under the supervision of a Fellow Member Trainer IANLP.

Fellow Member Trainers conducting online training are recommended to receive special training on how to design and facilitate online workshops and/or trainings.

Fellow Member Trainers conducting on-site training are recommended to receive special training on how to design and facilitate on-site in-the-room workshops and/or trainings.


Assistants must be certified at NLP Master IANLP level or higher.

For groups on-site: Are more than 15 students in attendance, for each 15 additional students, training has to include an additional assistant.

For groups online: Up to 9 students one assistant is mandatory. Are more than 9 students in (online) attendance, for each 9 additional students, training has to include an additional assistant.

Abilities of NLP Master and Criteria for Evaluation and Certification

The 'IANLP Assessment Guidelines' lists all competencies and evaluation criteria that must be fulfilled. These include

  • Behavioral competence of all practitioner level skills, used both individually and in combination
  • Behavioral integration of the presuppositions of NLP
  • Knowledge of basic skills, abilities, techniques, patterns, methods and concepts of NLP; Personal ability  to utilize them competently with self and others.
  • Design individual interventions (generative and remedial)
  • Ongoing development of personal sensory accuracy
  • Ecological change work with self and others
  • Ability to shift focus from between content and form, and between experience and label
  • Advanced rapport abilities (build and maintain rapport to each individual in the training group)
  • Demonstration of the ability to identify the following basic skills, techniques, patterns and concepts of NLP and to utilize these competently with self and with others.

Minimum contents

  • Techniques of change interventions for personal growth in business and personal context
  • Metaprogram sorts
  • Values and Criteria
  • Identification and utilization
  • Criteria ladder
  • Elicitation of complex equivalence
  • Adjustment of criteria
  • Sleight of mouth patterns
  • Refined use of submodalities
  • Utilization and transformation of beliefs and presuppositions
  • Advanced Milton-Model and Meta-Model of Language work
  • Deliberate multilevel communication
  • Models for negotiation and conflict management
  • Modeling, modeling project work
  • Systemic work (groups, family, team)
  • Advanced timeline work
  • Integrative NLP-models i.e. SCORE, SOAR, ROLE
  • Ethical and legal issues in the practice of NLP, such as inherent values, legal framework, limits of confidentiality, issues regarding dual relationships and exploitation, limits of professional competence, ethical advertising/marketing, and other topics are introduced by trainers.

The various advanced NLP-techniques, i.e. Re-imprinting, Visual Squash, Core Transformation Process and more, are working examples of the content listed above and are therefore not explicitly described.

The above contents shall be conveyed by theoretical lectures, practical demonstrations and group exercises. NLP Masters are expected to demonstrate openeness to experience the various processes by adopting the three roles that are typically encountered in the everyday work: that of an observer providing feedback, that of a growth experience seeking client, and that of a coach leading an individual.

The content listed in this curriculum may be adapted in favor of other content that is more suitable to the modality (on-site / online) of delivery.

Written test for NLP Masters

The required written test shall be a summary of the minimum contents of this curriculum. It shall be a tool for evaluating sufficient know-how acquisition at the completion of the training. In particular, the cognitive integration of the following contents are to be included:

  • Values and Beliefs (Logical levels)
  • Systemic work (groups, teams)
  • Sleight of mouth patterns
  • Modeling
  • Metaprograms
  • Timeline

The written testing is to be designed by the Fellow Member Trainer and is expected to match his/her training emphasis. Written tests are to be stored for at least three years following testing. For reasons of quality assurance the IANLP or individuals appointed by the IANLP have the right to request submission of this documentation.

Practical testing for NLP Master

Layout: There must be a practical evaluation and assessment period at the end of the training. Fellow Member Trainers are free to design their own evaluation and assessment layout. The practical assessment shall enable participants to demonstrate their personal integration of NLP-presuppositons and chosen NLP-techniques, namely: sensory awarness, rapport, ecological change work with self and others. At least 50% of the required competencies must be assessed in a synchronous setting.

Competencies: The 'IANLP Assessment Guidelines' lists all competencies and evaluation criteria that must be fulfilled. Each and every  competence must be presented on acceptable level at least. This final evaluation and assessment must be structured in such a way that the FMT can clearly identify the required competencies and assess their fulfillment.

Documentation: The assessment must be appropriately documented by the FMT. The fulfillment of the individual competencies must be documented in order that it  can be reconstructed by an external expert. This documentation (papers, videos) must be kept for inspection by the IANLP for 5 years upon issuance of the certificate.

Contents of NLP Master IANLP Certificate

NLP Master IANLP certificates must include the following 8 items:

  1. A statement describing the duration of the training in days and hours in which the student has fully (100%) participated and a distinct reference to the particular training modality; (*)
  2. A statement that this training was held according to IANLP standards;
  3. Either an orginal sticker seal of the IANLP and/or a digital seal of the IANLP. At least one seal must be shown on certificate;
  4. Date of the first and last day of training;
  5. Date of issuance of certificate;
  6. Name and signature of fellow member trainer IANLP;
  7. Unique IANLP Certification Number obtained from the headquarters of the IANLP.
  8. Title
    8a)   'NLP Master IANLP' or 'NLP Master (on-site) IANLP'
    if 100% of curricular training has been attended in on-site training modality.
    8b)   'NLP Master (blended) IANLP'
    if curricular training has been attended in a mix of on-site and online training modality.
    8c)   'NLP Master (online) IANLP'
    if curricular training has been attended in online training modality.

This curriculum is valid as per January 1, 2001 (updated 230312)


(*) Examples for Statement of Duration:

8a)  The total learning time of 160 hours included 18 days with a total of 130 hours of on-site in-the-room classroom training.

8b)  The total learning time of 160 hours included 10 days/60 hours of synchronous online training and 8 days/70 hours of on-site classroom training.

8c)   The total learning time of 160 hours included 18 days/130 hours of synchronous online training.

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