Bulletin 2023.5 - NLP is a State Approach
In this issue:
- NLP is a State Approach
Global NLP community strives for integrated understanding among practitioners. - Invitation to join NLP Leadership Summit
If you have been active in the field of NLP for 15 years or more, your experience is wanted!

NLP is a State Approach
In August 2023, the DVNLP (German NLP association) defined new ethical guidelines for teaching NLP. These have been partially adapted and adopted by the IANLP in the new
Ethical Principles for Teaching NLP
10 Principles are defined. Principles 1 to 3 define our understanding, specify the origin and emphasize that NLP belongs to the humanistic psychology as a fundamental basis. The other principles are derived from this basic approach and explain individual aspects in more detail.
The 10 Principles are
- NLP is a State Approach;
- Deterministic approaches (trait approaches) are not NLP-compatible;
- NLP belongs to humanistic psychology (3rd force) and has constructivist basic presuppositions;
- Toxic positivity is non-ethical;
- NLP is not a religion;
- There are no predetermined images of human beings to be achieved;
- NLP teaching trainers collaborate with professionals from formal healthcare systems appreciatively;
- Curricula are the common and reliable promise of the association to our customers. They are communicated clearly and without frills;
- In advertising (digital and print media), full transparency applies;
- Fellow Member Trainers of the IANLP state the truth.
Invitation to join NLP Leadership Summit Group
What is the NLP Leadership Summit about?
The NLP Leadership Summit is designed to get leaders in the field of NLP together. To respectfully discuss, share, listen, exploring common platforms and acknowledging differences.
In 2012, Michael Hall and Frank Pucelik started the NLP Leadership Summit for seasoned NLP Trainers and Leaders to get together and talk. It was a response to the legitimate criticism that “the leaders in NLP don’t talk to each other”.
Since the mission of the Leadership Summit is to bring together a wide range of leaders in the field of NLP to talk things over, it goes without saying that the members may have differing opinions. Each member has equal rights. There are no constitutional leaders within the Leadership Summit. All work is done on a voluntary basis. No fees collected.
Me, Ueli, I have taken part in the bi-annual meetings of 2016, 2018 and 2020 and found these gatherings very inspiring, nourishing and motivating. Meeting NLP leaders from all over the world, who are working on our common mission, gives me a great boost of energy back in my day-to-day job as a NLP teaching person. And a supporting network across the globe.
If you meet the following criteria (from the website):
- 15 years minimum in the field of NLP
- recognised as a Leader in NLP (this is about Leading people to NLP vs. standing on the apex)
- willing to sign up to the materials we have on the website https://nlpleadershipsummit.org/
and are interested to check into the group, please let me know. I would love to recommend you becoming a member.
Also, if you have any questions, please get in touch. I shall be happy to share my experience with the NLP-LS with you.
Secretary General IANLP
Ueli R. Frischknecht