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Home / Resources / Bulletin / Bulletin 2023.4 - Online Training - Update your Certificates!

Bulletin 2023.4 - Online Training - Update your Certificates!

In this issue:

  • Update your certificate templates!
    Certificates must reflect training modality.
  • NLP praised in Washington Post
    Finally getting some real attention from the public?
Bulletin 2023.4 - Online Training - Update your Certificates!

From September 30th onwards, we’ve got some new curricula in play!

Starting October 1, 2023 all training time provided in the curricula must be either on-site training or synchronous online training, or a mix of both (blended learning).

This must be reflected in the text of the certificates.

Certificates must include a distinct reference to the particular training modality. The curriculum includes examples of how to specify this.

The title of the degree must correspond to the type of training. It's either

  • 'NLP Master IANLP' or 'NLP Master (on-site) IANLP'
    if 100% of curricular training has been attended in on-site training modality, or
  • 'NLP Master (blended) IANLP'
    if curricular training has been attended in a mix of on-site and online training modality., or
  • 'NLP Master (online) IANLP'
    if curricular training has been attended in online training modality.

Read detailed curricula here

NLP to receive public recognition

We say: It's high time!

Fast recognition means better healthcare for all.

Bulletin 2023.4 - Online Training - Update your Certificates!

“The best PTSD treatment you’ve never heard of”

Garry Trudeau, the creator of Doonesbury has written a wonderful piece on RTM in the Washington Post. Check it out and share with all your friends! 

The Research and Recognition Project (R&RP) conducts rigorous, controlled clinical studies to validate therapeutic techniques that support the widespread use of innovative and cost-effective clinical care for traumatic stress and a number of other psychiatric disorders. The Research and Recognition Project was founded in 2006, after a clinician and former lecturer at Cornell University, Dr. Frank Bourke, discovered the clinical efficacy of a protocol to treat post-traumatic stress.

This protocol is based on the principles of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). It is named Reconsolidation of Traumatic Memories (RTM or RTM-Protocol).

In the last years, sufficient research has been done to prove the initial clinical results.

For more information, please visit

More research on NLP


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