Bulletin 2023.1 - Annual Statistic 2022
In this issue:
- Eye Movements
Recent publications on new findings - Annual Statistic 2022
In 2022 the number of newly joining NLP teaching professionals and retiring FMTs was balanced. - Install Snowflake
An initiative to support free media.

More Scientific Research on Eye Movements
Recent publications on new findings
The subject of eye movements remains in the focus of science. We have published some recent studies in the Scientific Research section of the website.
One study cearly indicates that looking up left supports visual imaging.
The research, which has been done by Christophe Carlei & Dirk Kerzel at the Université de Genève in 2020 initially studied people looking in different directions as they viewed French words, which they had to identify by gender.
The researchers called this study “Looking up improves performance in verbal tasks” but in NLP terms this is a visual task.
They acknowledge: “In contrast to verbal processing, there is evidence that spontaneous eye movements are directed to the upper-left visual field when questions are asked that imply visuo-spatial processing (Ehrlichman, 1977; Ehrlichman, Weiner, & Baker, 1974; Galin & Ornstein, 1974; Kinsbourne, 1972). Interestingly, this finding is consistent with assumptions in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP, Ahmad, 2013) stating that visuo-spatial processing is better when participants look up. We recently found experimental support for this hypothesis using the unilateral gaze method (Carlei & Kerzel, 2014, 2015). More precisely, performance on visuo-spatial tasks was facilitated when observers looked to the upper left corner of the screen.” (Carlei and Kerzel, 2020).
Thank you to Fellow Member Trainer Richard Bolstad for providing the link to this study.

Annual Statistic 2022
Outstanding trainer personalities are committed to exceptional quality in NLP training
The last two years have been affected by the pandemic and have been very challenging for many of our trainers.
As per Dec 31, 2022 we have been represented
- by 193 FMTs
- in 70 countries on all continents.
Read more statistical data and information on resigned and dismissed members in our annual report
Help the people in Iran and Russia to access uncensored internet

Install 'Snowflake' onto your browser
It's easy to help!
For a period of time, people in Iran and Russia were able to use digital tools to bypass internet censorship. Unfortunately, the respective dictators have upgraded the Internet censorship systems, so that these digital "tools of freedom" no longer work easily.
Now there is a new approach to circumvent internet censorship. Everyone can help with this, without great technical skills. A web browser with internet access is sufficient. https://snowflake.fiff.de/index_en.html