Bulletin 2016-1
In this bulletin
- Welcome new members
- Code of Ethics: clarified
- IANLP Member Forum: latest discussions

Welcome new members…

...to the IANLP!
Recently following new members have joined the IANLP:
Sandra Savanovic Stevanovic, Belgrade, Serbia
Przemek Turkowski, Zyrardow, Poland
Lukasz Dabrowka, Podkowa Lesna, Poland
Sirpa Kirjalainen, Kantvik, Finland
Katarina Dzokovic, Belgrade, Serbia
Dragoljub Matic, Dedinje, Beograd, Serbia
Dragan Mladenovic, Zagreb, Croatia
Maja Pavlov, Novi Sad, Serbia
Stéphane Witzmann, Lempdes, France
Code of Ethics: clarified
By signing the Code of Ethics, all Fellow Member Trainers IANLP have consented to only offer nlp trainings under the name of 'practitioner', 'master' and 'trainer' that do comply with the guidelines and standards of the IANLP. Any nlp training which does not comply with these standards has to be marketed under a distinctively different brand name. It was always understood that this policy applies for any training activity whatsoever. Whether the training is offered by the FMT and/or he/she is participating as a trainer in a nlp training programm that is being offered by third parties. The wording of the Code of Ethics has been adjusted to clarify.
IANLP Member Forum
Latest discussions:
- Whom shall I give sponsorship to?
- How does a certificate for a 'Submitted non-IANLP Curriculum'-training has to look like?
Register to the IANLP members forum here (members only, full name required)