Seal of International Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming

International Association for
Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Home / Resources / Bulletin / Bulletin 2015-1

Bulletin 2015-1

In this bulletin

  • Welcome new members
  • Subscribe to IANLP members forum
  • Ordering seals
  • Periodical reporting on websites
  • Immediate membership cancellation
Bulletin 2015-1

Welcome new members…

Bulletin 2015-1 the IANLP!

Recently following new members have joined the IANLP:

Claudia Lichtenberg, Geisenheim, Germany
Eric Sijbesma, PH Nieuw Vennep, The Netherlands
Florin Beldean, Bucharest, Romania
Mayte Galiana Pérez, Barcelona, Spain
Marcel Meijlink, DN Amsterdam, Netherlands
Lelica Todorović, Nis, Serbia
Nelson Kong, Hong Kong, PR China
Ricardo De la Cruz Gil, La Molina Lima, Peru

Subscribe to IANLP members forum !

We strongly recommend all FMT to log into the forum.

Here an excerpt from a recent discussion:
quote>>> "Here an idea from my personal experience, how we are handling this in our school: If we have a highly qualified NLP-Master who would like to come to NLP-Trainertraining but does not fulfill first part of this requirement,..." <<<unquote

Ordering seals

Please order seals always in batches of 10.
For each 10 ordered seals we will deliver 11 pieces to cover loss and/or damage.

Remember: The sticker seal is to be used exclusively for creating certificates.

The seal IANLP and a statement indicating IANLP approval is to be affixed exclusively for certifying training that adheres to the corresponding curriculum of the IANLP.

Your are free to design the certificate according to your needs and taste but all certificates must adhere to the corresponding curriculum. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. If you wish to receive feedback from us in regards to the design of your certificates, feel free to send us a draft of your certificate. For more information see FAQ's

Periodical reporting on websites

During the last months of 2014 we have conducted our periodical visits of websites of our esteemed Fellow Member Trainers IANLP.

In next bulletin we will publish a detailed report on the findings. Overall we have found that members websites are claiming accurate curricula and clear statements on duration of trainings. Some members were asked to please put a link to onto their website. Adding one or even several links to will help internet search machine to recognize IANLP as an important platform.

Immediate membership cancellation

During our periodical reporting of websites we found one members website offering nlp practitioner training at a duration of 12 days only. When asked for clarification this member claimed that it was a misunderstanding and the actual training lasted well over 18 days/130 hrs.

Regardless of the true numbers of days/hours the training lasted, to advertise at less days/hours is considered a heavy misconduct and violation of code of ethics and breach of collegiality amongst the members. Nonetheless the office of the IANLP asked to submit a list of former students. The idea was to be able to get in touch with students and checking on true duration of trainings. Since the Fellow Member Trainer refused to submit the requested data, Secretary General decided to cancel the membership with immediate effect.

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