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International Association for
Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Home / Resources / Bulletin / Bulletin 2014-6

Bulletin 2014-6

In this bulletin:

  • Welcome new members
  • Submit nlp related info to the IANLP for publication
  • Discussion: Titles of trainings
Bulletin 2014-6

Welcome new members…

Bulletin 2014-6 the IANLP!

Recently following new members have joined the IANLP:
Liliana Tantucci, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Milicia Nikolic, Beograd, Serbia
Nuria Sáez Lahoz, Madrid, Spain
Teresa Genesin, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Vincent van der Burg, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Anneke Durlinger-vander Horst, Nijmegen - AJ Balgoij, Netherlands
Gixer Domínguez Falcón, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Brankica Ivanovic, Belgrade, Serbia
Cristian Grigore, Iasi, Romania
Julian Trullen Torres, Madrid, Spain
Ragini Michaels, Seattle, USA

Submit NLP related information to the IANLP

Bulletin 2014-6

Are you planning an event, such as a congress, a national or international reunion?
Do you know of a great NLP related website that you would like to share?

Please submit contributions suitable for publication on our website to Ueli R. Frischknecht, Secretary General of the IANLP (Email: While IANLP will not advertize particular NLP trainings or individual NLP institutes and websites, we would love to inform about regional events and other events that may be of interest to our members, or provide useful links to websites in English or in your native language.

Entries for publications can be in your favorite language, you do not have to translate into English, but we do request that you provide us with a summary in English in case you submit in a language other than English.

Discussion: Titles

When visiting the websites of our esteemed FMT as part of the annual review, we noticed that there are quite a few versions of 'nlp practitioner' in use. Examples include the following:

  • NLP-Business Practitioner
  • nlp-Resonanz®-Practitioner
  • nlp & coaching practitioner

This brings up the questions on how the IANLP should handle this issue?

The proper title so far has been 'NLP Practitioner IANLP' and no further addition whatsoever. Within this standard, titles such as 'NLP Practitioner IANLP (Business)' would also be ok. But NLP Business Practitioner IANLP? Where are the limits?

The issue at stake is whether introducing additional titles confuses the public and diminishes the role of the IANLP in that interested seminar participants can no longer be certain whether a given training indeed is equivalent to the IANLP training standards and certificate titles. However, the IANLP definitely strives to support our FMT in their marketing efforts and do not wish to unnecessarily impose limits.

We will open a thread on this issue in the member forum.

We value input by our members on how to handle this issue, as this will help us to decide on a policy that both promotes our FTM in their marketing efforts and the IANLP as a standards setting body. 

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