Seal of International Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming

International Association for
Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Global Standards for Neuro-Linguistic Programming

IANLP presents internationally accepted standards for training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Quality training and professional ethics since 1983

IANLP has established ambitious 'gold standards' for NLP training and NLP teaching professionals that emphasize professional ethics and high quality experience for next generation expertise. Compliance with the standards is continuously monitored and enforced. Read more in Guidelines section.

IANLP guidelines exclude any learning activities without synchronous presence of student(s) and trainer(s). In order to uphold our training standards, only face-to-face training time is accepted. Please read training guidelines or info on quality training standards and professional ethics in the FAQ section.

Fellow Member Trainers

are authorized to certify their own NLP trainings with the seal of the IANLP.
NLP Trainers who can document their outstanding performance, sound experience, and proven teaching experience of at least 300 hours may apply for recognition of their leadership position in NLP training and may be awarded with the distinction "Fellow Member Trainer IANLP" (Criteria for Recognition).

Headquarters Switzerland

Portrait Ueli R. FrischknechtUeli R. Frischknecht (Secretary General)

Buckstrasse 13, CH-8422 Pfungen, Switzerland, LinkedIn Profile, Zoom 410 950 3554

Fees: Read 'Fees: What do the services of IANLP cost?' in the FAQ section.

Watch Secretary General, Ueli R. Frischknecht of the IANLP (International Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming) on YouTube as he elaborates on the evolution of NLP, how and why the IANLP was reestablished in 1999, and the goals and visions of the IANLP for the global nlp community. (recorded 2009)

Secretary Ambassadors

Secretary Ambassadors are language-linked contact persons speaking your native language. Please consult the list below to find Secretary Ambassador in your preferred language.

Anneke Durlinger-vander Horst (Nederlands, English)

Tjoys NLP-training & coaching, Wijchen  ¦



Portrait Brigitte KramerBecca Brigitte Kramer (Français)

Le Castellet  ¦  LinkedIn Profile



Portrait SemsudinŠemsudin Zaimović (Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian)

Agencija "Slapovi znanja"  ¦


Portrait Przemysław TurkowskiPrzemysław Turkowski (Polski)

Better FLOW, Warszawa ¦



Portrait Axel PerselloAxel Persello (Spanish, Portuguese)

IAFI - Instituto Americano de Formación e Investigación, Buenos Aires
Read flyer Services of Secretary Ambassador ¦


Gixer Dominguez (Spanish, Portuguese)



PortraitLicelotte Baigés Morales (Spanish, English)




Fraud Alert

Fraud Alert: Please check the database of our esteemed IANLP Fellow Member Trainers before booking any training or consultation and notify us if you find any membership claims that are unsubstantiated.

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